Majestic Hotel Harrogate, North Yorkshire

Games played
Meet David for coffee

Majestic Hotel Harrogate, North Yorkshire

at the Majestic Hotel, Harrogate

All table games are non-competitive with a players tiles laid on the table in view of other players who make suggestions to weaker or novice players. It is customary to acknowledge a good move, even though suggested by another player, and to clap a "winner"

Super Scrabble
Like scabble but with twice the number of players and a bigger board, Also takes twice the time!

A scabble type game - Our Rules

Get three of a kind or run of three of the same colour (Rummy) and you are away. - Our Rules

Dominoes played with triangular tiles, Needs more of 'the grey matter' than the traditional game. - Our Rules

Dominoes - threes and fives
Dominoes played with standard tiles, After each turn total the nunbers at each end. That player scores the number of times the total can be divided by 3 plus thr number of times it can be divided by 5 - Our Rules

3D O and X (4 x 4) - Our Rules
You need the foresight of a chess player to win at this version of Tic Tac Toe

Communual completion of The Independent Concise Crpssword
Completion of today's paper crossword starts at 11.30 a.m.

Communual completion of The Independent Cryptic Crossword
Completion of today's paper crossword starts at 11.30 a.m.

From today's newspaper - Sudoko, Maths Puzzle, Word Wheel and Word Ladder

Do you have a game that requires vision and skill and can be played by over four persons?
If yes, bring it along and teach it to those present.

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